Enterprise Resources Analytics

intuitive and easy to use lead & motivate your employees performance oriented environment loyalty rewards program definition equal treatment for your employees recruiting process monitoring

We provide you the status of your employees, salaries, holidays, recruiting process and many other key aspects concerning your resources management, 24/7 at your fingertips. You will be able to visualize the historical evolution of your organization structure, allowing you to always adjust your resources based on that structure that generated the best performance for your company, helping you to develop your organization both in size and performance in the same time

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Our Inputs

Database Architecture Definition

Cloud Database Build-up & Testing

Database Refresh Schedule setup

Running Processes Optimization

Organizational Structure Definition

Bonuses & Reward System Development

Users' Training

Standardized Procedures

Your Outputs

24/7 Live Reports

KPI Notifications

Recruitment process monitoring

Structured Historical Data Archiving

Performance Oriented Environment

Integrated Resources Management System


A Strong Base for Machine Learning

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Interact with our Live Report above and with just a click instantly change the analyzed scenario. Just try it to see for yourself how easy can be to manage your company with our services, available 24/7 on any mobile device, laptop, or desktop

The information presented in our live reports is based on fully fictional sets of data, defined and developed by us from scratch and with no connection to any real individual, project or organization

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Key benefits


You will be able to manage your company's resources, 24/7 from your phone, or to visualize any salary discrepancies against your salary scheme and any key insights that could affect your enterprise performance


You will be able to adjust your organization structure, based on the market trends and work volume with ease, always having as a model, the structure that brought your the best performance. You will be able to accurately monitor your recruitment, training, or certification processes, becoming the fastest and smartest data-driven decision maker for your business


Based on the structured historical data collected, you will be able to shape your unique reward and salary systems to lead your enterprise to the most stable, predictable, and most important performance-driven environment. At the same time, the powerful period-over-period analyses will allow you to establish the proper strategy for your organization and optimize your resources for the best performance and higher profitability of your company

Implementation Road-map

Our Inputs

Database Architecture Definition

Cloud Database Build-up and testing

Database Refresh Schedule setup

Running Processes Optimization

Organizational Structure Definition

Bonuses & Reward System Development

Users' Training

Standardized Procedures

Your Outputs

24/7 Live Reports

KPI notifications

Recruitment Process Monitoring

Structured Historical Data Archiving

Performance Oriented Environment

Integrated Resources Management System


A Strong Base for Machine Learning

Give your business the chance for a healthy and long term growth with the help of our services

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