Dynamic Cash Flow

human error reduction intuitive and easy to use available 24/7 at your fingertips live, dynamic and accurate with no contender on the market get control of your cash flow your business heartbeat monitoring

The most dynamic and intuitive tool for planning, monitoring, and analyzing the cash flow of your business, that provides you the chance to monitor in real-time the cash flow of one or several projects at the same time, providing you a clear picture of your planned and available cash like never before

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Our Inputs

Database Architecture Definition

Cloud Database Build-up & Testing

Database Refresh Schedule setup

Running Processes Optimization

Unique WBS Definition

Planned Cash Flow Build-up

Users' Training

Standardized Procedures

Your Outputs

24/7 Live Reports

KPI Notifications

Stable & Predictable Environment

Structured Historical Data Archiving

Boost your Cash Flow

Budget Transfers Management


A Strong Base for Machine Learning

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Interact with our Live Report above and with just a click instantly change the analyzed scenario. Just try it to see for yourself how easy can be to manage your company with our services, available 24/7 on any mobile device, laptop, or desktop

The information presented in our live reports is based on fully fictional sets of data, defined and developed by us from scratch and with no connection to any real individual, project or organization

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Key benefits


From your first project managed with our tool, you will be able to monitor in real-time your real cash flow against the planned one, and at any moment you can adjust your strategy and take the fastest and data-driven actions to avoid any major deviation from your program and be able to mitigate the impact of any unforeseen event that could affect your cash flow and financial stability


Already from your second project managed with our tool, you can perform powerful lessons learned analysis and better negotiate the terms and conditions with your clients, bank, and suppliers, improving your cash flow and financial stability. Monitoring more than one project at the same time, you can at any moment identify the projects with negative cash flows, that could affect your enterprise's overall cash flow and threaten your financial stability, having the background to take the best data-driven decisions for your business


In the long run, you will rely on a powerful and structured database with a set of meaningful data, collected from your former projects, based on which you will be able to define your unique financial strategy and become the fastest decision maker, always guided by real facts and accurate data. You will have a strong foundation to build your internal cash flow strategy and define the specific terms and conditions for any future negotiation with your specialized suppliers, clients, banks, or investment funds, all these will lead you to a more stable and predictable business environment

Implementation Road-map

Our Inputs

Database Architecture Definition

Cloud Database Build-up and Testing

Database Refresh Schedule setup

Running Processes Optimization

Unique WBS Definition

Planned Cash Flow Build-up

Users' Training

Standardized Procedures

Your Outputs

24/7 Live Reports

KPI Notifications

Stable and Predictable Environment

Structured Historical Data Archiving

Boost your Cash Flow

Budget Transfers Management


A Strong Base for Machine Learning

Client area

You will have access to your overall cash flow status and each of your investment’s cash flow evolution against your initial plan, being able to adjust your strategy based on the market trends or unforeseen events, and become a data-driven decision maker. You will be able to manage your entire portfolio, monitor any budget transfers between projects, or adjust any project’s pace based on your financial status. At the same time, your unique cash flow strategy will be shaped by your historical structured data sets generated by your previous projects

You will develop a better reporting system for your clients, with live monitoring of their investments’ financial status and trends, allowing you to take fast decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information, to keep your project on track. You will easily be able to define tailored cash flow strategies for your clients, based on any particular financing scenario and be able to prepare a strong and feasible negotiation strategy with all stakeholders involved in a project’s life cycle, increasing the chance for a successful project, managed in a stable, standardized and predictable environment

Instead of guiding your important decisions based on experience and intuition, in key moments, that could lead to your company’s negative cash flow, financial instability, or even bankruptcy, with our implemented tool you will become the fastest and smartest data-driven decision maker, being able to monitor your enterprise cash flow and individual project cash flows, 24/7 from your phone, having multiple scenarios of analysis, the most accurate and up-to-date data and powerful, built-in forecasting capabilities. This will allow you to focus on the most profitable projects and adjust the work pace for projects with poor finance, projects that could affect your overall financial stability. After just a few projects managed with our tool, you will be able to fine-tune your cash flow strategy and better negotiate your financial terms and conditions with your clients, banks, collaborators, and suppliers, all of which will lead you to a more predictable, stable and standardized environment to run your business

You will be able to shape your unique cash flow strategy, you will have the chance to better negotiate your financial terms and conditions with your clients and collaborators, and do all of these from a stable and predictable environment for you and your business. At the same time, you will have the ability to choose the best and most profitable jobs that fits your developing strategy for value creation, all of these based on meaningful analyses of your structured collected historical data, generated by your previous experiences

Give your business the chance for a healthy and long term growth with the help of our services

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